Posted tagged ‘smoothies’


February 26, 2010

We have found out that eating raw and drinking smoothies is not going to heal us of anything if we don’t change our old habits. One of the things that smoothies do is to help break cravings for foods that are not optimum for the body. But we’ve both found out that if we DO eat things that are not good for us, the old symptoms re-emerge. For instance, when I ate pancakes with a very small amount of syrup, I got dizzy and felt crummy. Steve has a major snoring problem, and when he gave up all the foods that were not good for him and was true to the raw and smoothie diet, the snoring stopped.   HOWEVER, when he thought he could have popcorn, back it came. When he decided that some chocolate covered peanuts would be okay, snoring returned with a vengeance. Last night I made some raw date, oatmeal, raisin, carob, coconut dessert, and he had some. Snoring again. SO…the key is to recognize what you are allergic to, play around with the different foods to see how you feel, and then get back to doing what helps your body heal.

While we are exploring our food intake, let’s not forget our spiritual intake, as well as physical exercise, because we are body, mind, spirit after all. What a journey! KJ

Breaking Through

February 19, 2010

This morning I went into our garage and glanced over at the hot water heater. There was evidence of leakage on the cement floor, and I called the friend who had installed it to find out when he did that. Almost 13 years ago. It had a 10 year warranty, so we had it beyond a normal lifespan for water heaters. Our friend had moved out of state, but there was a wonderful man who had done work for us before who I found out just yesterday is    still in the area. He had asked our friend who knew about herbs how we were, and the synchronicity of the water heater going out and hearing about him signaled to me that I should give him a call. Turned out, he was able to come over in the morning, and will replace the water heater tomorrow. However, while he was here, we chatted, and I commented about the smoothies. He tried one and loved it, and that reminded him that he had forgotten about smoothies and how alive they made his body feel. He’d put his blender away, but was going to bring it out again, and wanted the recipe for how Steve made our drinks. That was rewarding, but what was even more interesting to me was the connection we had related to God’s grace and ways. He is a heart filled Christian minister – totally immersed in the spirit of God rather than the religiosity of God – and has group meetings on Fridays and Sundays in San Jose.

As we talked about raw food and the purpose of cleansing the body to be able to be a light filled being, he mentioned the process of being born again through water into new life, just as a baby is moved from the womb into a bigger world. He commented that when the mother’s water breaks, the baby is ushered into a bigger life than the one it has known in the womb. This comment brought me immediately to the hot water heater breaking, and became a puzzle piece to my own process.

I’d asked a week before for help and insight and a life of meaning. My prayer had been from the heart and soulful. Here was more evidence of the direction I am being led to…the breaking of the old container, and the replacement with a new. I feel this whole process as an affirmation of renewal and rebirth, so again someone came to hand me a clue. If we have eyes to see and ears to hear, the greater purpose of our lives will be revealed. And as the raw food chef said, it has to be a combination of exercise, food, and most importantly, Spirit. Amen.