Posted tagged ‘Experiment’

Cooked Food Experiment

May 2, 2010

On Saturday we had my younger son over for a farewell lunch. He has been living nearby in San Jose for many years and was preparing to leave to live in Chicago. He’s a big meat-eater and would not even begin to accept eating raw food, so we decided to put on a minor feast consisting of grilled skirt steak marinated in garlic and spices, his favorite potato salad with bacon from a local grocery store, and cooked garlic broccoli, one of my specialties.

He loved it and we thought it was pretty good also. However, after he left we both fell into a sound coma-type sleep! That’s a far different reaction that what happens after a raw meal!  When eating raw we feel rejuvenated and alive! What an amazing difference!

Lately, on our Journey2Raw experience we have been experimenting with eating some raw and then some cooked foods. Going completely raw is starting to feel like a better and better option as we feel what happens with our energy levels after eating each way.

It would be an easier choice to go all raw if society and the food chain that has been constructed would favor raw fresh foods. One has to be extremely strong and committed to be 100% raw all the time. That’s not always realistic. And I am beginning to understand that some things may actually be better for you cooked such as broccoli? I will be looking into this subject more along the way.

Last evening Kathleen made a wonderful raw tomato sauce which we had on top of some beautiful spirilized raw spaghetti zucchini which Kathleen had made using our new Saladacco machine. I was surprised at how good it tasted and then how good we felt afterward as we recovered from our over-indulgent cooked meat and potato luncheon! Going raw seems like a better choice now than ever before!  – Steve